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Life is like the sea.
It can be calm or still, and rough or rigid, but in the end, it is always beautiful.

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Poseidon was the Greek God of the Sea. 

Much like our emotions, the sea can be powerful, turbulent, and destructive. The sea smashes against the shore, and eats away at rocks and foundations. 

However, like Poseidon, we hold the ability to change our seas. We can stop storms, stem tides, and withstand the waves that life throws at us. 


This is something that looks different for everybody. For some, it might be reaching out in times of struggle with mood or anxiety. For others, it might be finding the key that unlocks performance. The key ethos behind my work is meaningful change; in whatever form that looks like for my clients. 

As a Clinical Psychologist, I believe everyone can live a life that fulifills them and moves them in the direction they want to be. Similarly, I believe that steering our lives in those directions can be hard, scary, and often times, requires support.

I specialise in supporting people to create effective change in a number of areas including anxiety, low mood, OCD, work or school struggles and relationship difficulties.

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Currently, my office hours are 8am-5pm Thursdays and Fridays.

Please get in touch to see whether I have any availability for assessment and/or treatment.

In filling out this form I will respond to you within a few working days. It is likely I will need further information in order to see whether I am the right mental health professional to work with you at this time. If I’m not, I may be able to advise another practitioner who is better suited. Thank you for getting in touch.

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